NOTE:  If there are any questions or if you find any errors on this page, please bring them to the attention of the Grants Sub-Committee Chair or District Administrator.
What is a Grant?
Grants are a tool for Rotary clubs and districts to support short-term, humanitarian projects that benefit a community.   
There are 3 types of Rotary Grants available to D5580 clubs.  Each of these are "matching" Grants, so in each case, the club(s) must raise funds and apply for matching funds from the District or The Rotary Foundation (TRF).
  • District Grants are funded through donations to TRF by clubs and members of clubs within the District.  They can be used for local community projects, or for International Projects.  These grants are typically for projects that are smaller in scope (min $500), or are discrete parts of a large project (see examples in Project Examples section).
  • Global Grants are for projects larger in scope (minimum $30,000) and are also funded through donations to TRF.  These Grants are matched both by the District funds and by separate TRF funds, so clubs can leverage their money to create a much more significant project.
  • World Community Service Grants are intended for International projects that may not fit all the criteria of TRF.  This is a unique program offered by District 5580, and is funded through annual membership fees from every Rotary member in District 5580.  This offers the ability to provide funding for "construction" type projects that are not allowed by District or Global Grant guidelines. 
Grant Projects must support the goals and mission of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation.  The Rotary Foundation’s mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace, through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty).
It is expected that all Grant projects will have direct involvement of Rotarians in the planning , execution, or sustaining of the project, and Grant projects must respect the wishes and needs of the receiving community.
Who can apply?
Rotary Clubs in Rotary International D-5580 can apply to the District 5580 Grants Committee for a Club Sponsored District Grant. 
In order for a Rotary club to participate in the District 5580 Grants Program, it must become Qualified.  This means that:
  1. A member of the club must have completed the online Grant Management Seminar (GMS). Please Note: clubs qualify for GMS participation by completing the On-Line course (reference Grant Management Seminar page).     
  2. The Rotary Foundation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the District 5580 Addendum to TRF MOU must be signed by the Club President and the Club President-Elect, and returned to the District Office.  The Documents with signatures appearing can be e-mailed and this method is recommended.
 In addition to your club becoming Qualified, your attention is directed to the following items:
  2. Once your Application is approved, your club must establish a SEPARATE BANK ACCOUNT for your project.  Project funds should never be combined with the general operational funds of your club.  Once your club has raised the "matching funds" needed, you can request your Grant funds from the District Treasurer.  You will be required to submit a bank statement from your Project Account showing that you have the "matching funds" on deposit.  Thorough and complete financial records are absolutely required by our Audit Committee and by The Rotary Foundation.
  3.  A FINAL REPORT must be filed within 2 months of completion of project.  It should include copies of all receipts, disbursements, copies of cancelled checks and deposit slips.  Photos should also be included showing all phases of the project from the start to completion.  An Interim Report is required at 6 month intervals for any project not completed within 6 months from receipt of District matching funds.  Our Stewardship Committee will also be reviewing the status of your project and confirming that the project is progressing in a satisfactory manner.  ALL INTERIM and FINAL REPORTS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY USING THE CORRECT REPORT FORM LOCATED ON THIS PAGE.
Further details can be found in the Grant Management On-Line Learning and by referencing the specific Instruction pages included on each of the Grant Application forms.
Additional questions or information:
Please contact Gloria at the District Office at or 218.821.0204
Grants Chair,, mobile 701.202.0500 (call or text)