President-Elect Training Seminar
Greetings District 5580 President Elects 2021-2022
Together, we are embarking on a new journey, leading the clubs of District 5580 during a time of unprecedented circumstances, major challenges, AND tremendous opportunities. The capacity of Rotarians to change, adapt, and champion opportunities is exhibited by the fact that we are meeting today via Zoom. Like those of you who have already been meeting electronically with your clubs, we will be finding innovative ways of keeping engaged with each other and with the communities we serve.
A great team is assembled in support of you and your year as Club President. The District Training team has transformed what would have been a (very) full afternoon of pre-district conference PETS into an innovative new format. Within a series of two sessions you will be introduced to the core areas that will help you succeed in your Rotary year. During the last 15 minutes of each session, there will be break-outs to join with fellow club leaders and Assistant Governors (AGs), to exchange ideas start and to start to put those ideas into a plan of ACTION.
The AGs are talented and experienced fellow Rotarians whose key purpose is to help you in achieving your very best for your club. The AGs are the key connection between your club and the district. Your AG will be help you outline your club goals in areas like having fun, engaging members, conducting meaningful service projects, sharing your Rotary stories within the club AND the community, supporting The Rotary Foundation, preparing your club for an exciting vibrant future, and having more fun. Working with District Administrator Gloria Mink, your AG will help you understand how Club Central can be a useful tool to help you monitor your progress throughout the Rotary year.
So often organizations have well intentioned vision statements that are mostly benign and unmoving.
In contrast, Rotary’s new strategic initiative has put forth a vision statement that is elegant and inspiring
Together we see a world where People Unite and TAKE ACTION to Create lasting Change across the Globe, in our Communities, and in OURSELVES…
Tied to the Vision Statement and the Strategic Plan are four challenging objectives:
Increase our IMPACT – Expand our REACH – Enhance ENGAGEMENT – Increase our ability to ADAPT
We still live in the timeframe of the new normal, but there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Together we “Serve to change lives”!
We look forward to working with you during this innovative E-PETS series and throughout the year.
Yours in Rotary
Keith Brokke, District 5580 Governor 2021-2022
Patty Balz, District Educator 2020-2021
Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) Session 1:
Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) Session 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xVjurzrnP6t_A32d33Ls1C4uoSwYZjDS/view?usp=sharing
My Rotary Basics: https://vimeo.com/205136622
D5580 Foundation Basics: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/6428727218390519809